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Linux implementation proposal – Term Paper

List of Tables 

Table 1: Table comparing current system requirements against the available requirements for Linus Mint 18 3

Linux Implementation Proposal

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Linux Operating system is considered to be the most secure, especially when used in the business organization. It articulates for limited attacks and has the best working platform, despite the fact that it is difficult when handled by a new user, (Daly, 2000). There is a need to know the proper requirements for a Linux systems so as to understand the need to change or maintain the current computers, (Daly, 2000). The table below shows the minimum against the current requirements for determining if the system will work well. 



Minimum Requirements

Current Requirements



512 MB

2GB – 4 GB


Disk Space

9 GB When extracted (20 GB Requirement)

80 GB – 350 GB



800 * 600 Required, (1024 * 768 Recommended)

1024 * 768 pixels


Bits (32 / 64)

64 Bit is BIOS, and UEFI bootable 32 Bit is BIOS bootable

32 / 64 Bit



Network Card 10/100 Mbps

10/100 Mbps and 10/100/1000 Mbps


USB ports/DVD





15 Inch

15 Inch

 Table 1: Table comparing current system requirements against the available requirements for Linus Mint 18

From the description in the table, the current computers are fit for changing from Windows XP to the current Linux Mint version 18. Choosing version 18 is much better because the requirements of the system match the supposed level of minimum requirements. Therefore, one needs to evaluate in the most efficient way of migrating the systems. Windows XP is one of the old versions of operating systems with minimal features matching the latest business requirements. It ensures limited capabilities of matching the most recent business standards that will yield optimum results. 

Plan for migrating from Windows XP to Linux Mint 18 

The first step to take is to create a backup of the current data in the form of files, to an extern hard drive or a backup drive partition in the respective computers. For the laptops, it is better when performing a backup, and at the same hard-drive after partitioning. The backup data is safe on a different partition and one does not risk the possibility of losing information. Using a disk partitioning tool, which is the best for use with Microsoft Window XP, one should create enough partition but retain 50 GB Hard drive space for one more partition, which will carry the Linux operating system and its programs. 

Hardware Used and installation options 

Hardware Used 

External Hard Disk Drive 

Considering the backup process and installation process, for desktop computers, it has little logic for one to create partitions. It is, therefore important that they use an external back drive to store the data. This process is important because in the position that there is little room for the operating system and its programs to run, will slag the computer by overworking with little storage and operation space. It will, therefore, make the computer to hang on several heavy use occasions, considering that it will have little space for action and running its applications. 

External or internal DVD Drive 

An external DVD drive is necessary because there can be some computers, whose DVD drive may not be working properly. Installing an operating system without a DVD Rom is difficult. Considering that there must be a bootable disk, made from an image, which must also run using a DVD Drive. It will, therefore, be used to run the operating system during the installation.

Windows Linux Mint 18 Disk 

This is a disk that is carrying the operating system. It will be used to deploy the Operating System into the computers. The disk is written using a data burning software line Nero 8 in Windows or Burner in Linux, with a Linux Mint Operating System image. 

Installation option and process 

There is one primary method of installation of Linux Mint 18. Once the Operating System disk is ready for installation, the BIOS setup is used to configure the computer to read a bootable disk before it boots from the hard drive. The technician will insert into the DVD drive of the computer prompted for installation. This device gives the computer the option to run a Linux operating system right before installation. Once the interface is complete and running, from the disk there will be icons on the desktop, where one of the icons prompts for the technician to start the installation process. The process is an automated procedure will only request for prompts like setting the date, region, computer name, password for the user, and other authentication requirements. After completing the installation, the files for a backup set to a more open folder in the computer and other programs updated and activated for use. 

How users will login into the systems 

During the installation process, the technician sets the authentication rules, bases on the characteristic that the user uniquely and best understands. The features are anticipated on the positions of a username and password which is the key authentication and authorization method into login into a computer system and access other files and software as well. This stage is the first step towards advancing the security aspects for the computers and the company information in the computers. 

How computers will receive IP Addresses 

The network will cover aspects of resource sharing, like the use of internet and general files in the company. For optimum security, standard IP addressing is crucial. However, this process is entirely different in Linux. The Operating System installation package comes with a terminal program, which will be used to configure the IP addresses. Class C IP addressing protocols give the best format, with the subnet mask; This will also make the network expandable, because there can be 16 client computers in one Subnet, to handle the 500 client computers, (Pfaffenberger, 2001). The setup is, therefore, done using the terminal program in individual computers using the command line below. 

sudo ifconfig eth0 netmask

The figure is the first IP address for the first computer, which is mainly a host, among the 16 subnets. The hosts have subdivisions by changing the stretch through 8 computers in one subnet.  With this case, the second host will be having the IP address, where the IP Addresses,,,, and not used in configuring the computer because they will be used as broadcast IP Addresses. They will, therefore, be used for conventional broadcast resources, (Pfaffenberger, 2001). 

How to access the Domain Name System 

The DNS system in Linux should work exceptionally excellent and best for business organizations. For proper configuration, there are default settings, which should look up names, hosts, and bind them procedurally, non-spoof about configuring, alerts on a spoof on. In the case that, the default settings are not as prompted, then they should be set appropriately. They DNS is pointed to the name tables in the resource used. This means that every security and destination IP address must be given its rights to avoid unwanted file and information access. The named daemon must run as appropriate to prevent conflicts in resource sharing which may result in deadlock. In any instant that the settings are changed in the DNS tables, the DNS Server must be restarted to pick up the new settings automatically, (Nikolaidis, 2003). 

How Files on the network are accessed 

Sharing of data is only done through a standard resource sharing folder, which should be setup in the cloud or the server. Confidential files should be configured to be accessed only by authorized persons. The standard data, which is freely shared by all employees or departments in the organization should not be shared. Given that the IP addresses are set to be on the same network in the organization, shared files should be stored in shared folders, which will be accessed via authentication from the original computer to the destination. The computer is also meant to allow channeling of resources at particular times of sharing to avoid instances of deadlock, (Joshi, 2016).  

Achieving security in file sharing 

The most important aspect of company data is security. Unwanted access should be given maximum restraint and projected to secure prospects. The projection of enhanced security measures like alerts when a particular client computer is accessing information from another computer is necessary. This will ensure that only the correct data is accessible by right users in the network. This will be allowable in cases that the sensitive data in a particular client computer is not shared. It is, therefore, set to a non-permissive attribute, when accessed from a different computer. The owner of the computer is supposed to have full privilege over the confidential files, (Joshi, 2016). 

Printing in the company 

Based on the number of computers, and departments, several computers can be configured to use the same printer. Therefore, a printer is added to the network and installed as a network printer on every machine. It can, therefore, be set to print from any computer in the network. A central resource like a printer can be configured with a broadcast IP address. However, it is always important to use a shared IP address in the case that it is a network printer. If it is not a network printer, it can be shared as a resource from a particular computer in the network. However, this may not work properly in the case that the particular computer is switched off, (Joshi, 2016). 

Securing files within the company and group users, and encryption

The company should implement a firewall which will prevent and control the unwanted flow of data and information in and out of the business network. It will advocate for attackers and intruders into the network and filter any sneaky files or attacks from outside. This can be done in the Linux security settings and the server computer. Authentication, through encryption and other authorization procedures, is necessary. The most confidential messages are encrypted to give authority to read them to the required persons only, (Ayoo & Lubega, 2014). 


Ayoo, P. & Lubega, J. (2014). A Framework for e-Learning Resources Sharing (FeLRS). International Journal Of Information And Education Technology, 112-119.

Daly, P. (2000). Review: Linux (Installation, Configuration, Use). The Computer Bulletin, 42(1), 31-31.

Joshi, P. (2016). Implementing Firewall using IP Tables in Linux. International Journal Of Emerging Trends In Science And Technology.

Nikolaidis, J. (2003). Practical TCP/IP designing, using and troubleshooting TCP/IP networks on linux and windows [Book Reviews]. IEEE Network, 17(4), 6-6.

Pfaffenberger, B. (2001). Linux networking clearly explained (1st ed.). San Diego: Morgan Kaufmann.

Norman Wade

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Published by
Norman Wade
Tags: Computer ScienceMiddlebury CollegeTechnology

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