Categories: Term Paper Samples

Term Paper on Tourette Syndrome

Syndrome Term Paper:

Tourette syndrome is a genetic disorder of the central nervous system, which appears in childhood and is characterized with various physical and vocal tics. Years ago Tourette syndrome was associated with the exclamation of the vulgar and rude words and phrases (nowadays it is called coprolalia, which is frequently met among the patients ill with schizophrenia, general paresis of the insane, mania, etc), but now it is evident that this disorder is met only among 10% of the patients who have the syndrome.

Tourette syndrome is not considered to be a rare disorder, because at least one percent of children suffer from motor and vocal tics. The people who have the syndrome have the same level of IQ, skills, talents, length of life and health as the common people and it influences only the communicative ability of a person.

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The frequency of the tics reduces during the period of the child’s growing up and when he reaches the teen age, their number becomes little. The number of the grown-ups who suffer from the syndrome is met very seldom. Unfortunately, the real cause of the syndrome is not known but there are suppositions that ecological and genetic factors play the key role in this case. In the majority of the cases of Tourette syndrome the patient does not require treating, as the problem is not very serious. In addition there is no remedy for the syndrome, because the tics are unique in every case and it is impossible to produce a universal cure for the tics. The most useful method to reduce the effect of the syndrome is to support the patient psychologically and apply various behavioural techniques.

Tourette syndrome is quite an interesting disorder which is worth attention and a student can devote time to the research of this problem and prepare a good Tourette syndrome term paper. A good term paper should illustrate the syndrome from all sides, explain its cause and effect, present the difficulties and troubles with communication which occur among the patients. The student should analyze the problem from all sides and define the seriousness of Tourette syndrome for an individual. Furthermore, in order to get to know about the problem more, one can look through the historic background facts about the syndrome.

A term paper is a detailed analysis on a certain topic and many students do not know how to organize such a paper correctly. One can read a free example term paper on Tourette syndrome written by an expert and see the ideal image of the successful paper. With the help of a free sample term paper on Tourette syndrome it is possible to learn to construct and format the paper well and analyse the problem correctly.

Norman Wade

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Norman Wade

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