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World Applied Sciences Journal

The study used a relational survey model; the sample group consisted of 407 students enrolled in the Faculty of Education and the Faculty of Sciences and Letters at Kirkland University. Research data were obtained using the “Aitkin Academic Procrastination Scale,” “Coping with Stress Scale,” “Internet Addiction Scale,” and “Academic Motivation Scale. “The path analysis modeling was used to test the hypothesis models. The results of the study indicated that the academic procrastination behaviors of students are significantly predictable through coping with stress, Internet addiction and academic motivation within a framework of a model. Academic motivation” was found to be the most important predictor of academic procrastination. The research results were compared to and discussed with regard to the literature of academic procrastination and relevant variables. Key words: Academic Procrastination Stress Coping INTRODUCTION internet Addiction Academic Motivation life style, health issues and missing opportunities in and out of the academic field [6-8]. Twice and Bandmaster conducted a study in this scope.

According to their study, procrastination provides short-term benefits in arms of stress and physical health; however, inverse long-term effects accompany these benefits It is known that academic procrastination is very common among students. With their studies, Solomon and Radiotelephones in this issue [10]. In their study of students, they found that within the study group, 46% of students procrastinated in completing term papers, 28% in studying for examination, 30% in weekly reading homework, 23% in attendance, 11% in performing administrative duties and in school activities in general.

In the same study, approximately 24% of students considered procrastination in completing term papers as complete or problematic. Moocow and Roberts investigated the procrastination frequency fool 543 university students [11]. They reported that 19% of freshmen, 22% of sophomores, 27% of juniors and 31 % of seniors consider academic procrastination as a significant personal stress source. It is known that students habitually procrastinate by avoiding their academic responsibilities, such as studying doing homework and preparing for examinations; thus, fail to use their skills and potentials properly.

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ROTFLMBO, Solomon and Murrain define academic procrastination as the continuous or occasional Ella of academic duties[l]. According to Daydreaming procrastination is a problem observed in areas such as preparing for examinations, doing homework, conducting projects or meetings with academic advisers and so procrastination behavior is defined as a conscious and planned action although it is expected to conflict with the individual’s own interests [3].

Notwithstanding the fact that procrastination behavior is exhibited for short-term benefit, it prevents optimal productivity and leads to negative academic results such as missing deadlines, getting low marks and failing in a lecture [4, 5]. Even when academic procrastination does not adversely affect academic performance, it brings along severe personal and social results such as a initiative Corresponding Author: Meet Kandahar, Kirkland University, Faculty of Education, Department of Elementary Education, 71 450, Creakier/Turkey. 930 world Apple. Sic. J. 32 930-938, 2014 The studies, which aim to comprehend academic procrastination, indicate the presence of a relationship between academic procrastination and many variables, including personal characteristics, self-efficacy beliefs, motivation, self-respect, anxiety, time management and attributions soles [12, 13]. Studies also indicate that stress or coping with stress mechanisms area significant predictor of procrastination[J. According to Torus, stress refers to a person’s reactions in response to challenging situations for the purpose of adaptation [15].

Accordingly, coping with stress refers to a person’s overcharging cognitive and behavioral efforts made in order to overcome specific challenging internal and external demands [16]. In academic life, there are various Stress sources (homework, examinations, presentations, etc. ), which can challenge students and should be employed with limited resources in a limited period of time. Students can possibly exhibit procrastination behaviors in order to cope with these sources of stress. Being one of the first theories on procrastination, psychoanalytic theory suggests that procrastination occurs when there are situations that afflict the ego.

According to this theory, when the ego is threatened, the avoidance behavior, namely, procrastination, occurs as a requirement of self-protection [17]. Therefore, as highly anxious people exhibit avoidance behavior more frequently, it is a natural outcome that they procrastinate ore as well [18]. According to Twice and Bandmaster, procrastination provides the avoidance of a stress source for a while. Although, at first, short-term relaxation occurs, it can turn into another stress source in time [19].

According to Souris and Peachy, procrastination is not only related to high stress, but also to avoidance strategies [20]. Another variable that is believed to be related with academic procrastination is Internet addiction. Operational definitions of Interconnection have only been made recently. According to main and Korma, an addiction refers to harmful and uncontrolled use Of he Internet [21 According to Young, "problematic Internet us?’ was used to define Internet addiction [22]. Young defined this problem in the scope of pathological gambling criteria and determined eight criteria.

These criteria are as follows: to engage in the Internet cognitively and intensely, a continuous increase in Internet usage time, not being able to reduce the time spent on the Internet, anxiety and discomfort in cases of limited Internet usage time, limitation of daily activities, problems with personal relationships due to excessive use, lying to continue to Internet use and emotional hangers during Interpenetrates. According to Young, if a person has at least five of these criteria, s/he can be defined asana addict. Research on Internet addition is very limited as this is a new issue [2[23]/p>

However, there are significant studies indicating the relationship between Internet addiction and academic procrastination [2[24, 25]Wretchedness’s indicates that there is a positive oriented and strong relationship (. 67) between Internet addiction and academic procrastination [2[26]According to Davis, Fleet and Bessel, there is a relationship between problematic use of the Internet and procrastination. To be intensely engaged with telephones and the desires be constantly online,can naturally keep a person on the Interdenominational and mentally. As a result, students can give their time to the Internet rather than their academic duties.

Studies in the literature indicate that another significant predictor of academic procrastination is academic motivation. Being a significant determiner Of the learning process, academic motivation refers to the generation of necessary energy for academic duties or the release of the desire required in order to accomplish academic duties [2[27]According to Kafka and Girl, sigh levels of motivation positively affect the success of academic duties. There is significant research on the relationship between academic procrastination and academic motivation reported in the literature [2[28]/p>

A general assessment of the research revealed that there is a negative oriented and significant relationship between academic procrastination and academic motivation. Students’ low level of desire for accomplishing academic duties increases their academic procrastination behaviors. Academic duties that need to be accomplished can turn into failures due to procrastination. Students acquire a failure identity instead of a success identity. For this reason, factors that lead students to academic procrastination should be known. The recognition of these factors may help children cope with procrastination more effectively.

In the literature review, coping with stress strategies, Internet addiction and academic motivation were found to be related to procrastination. Whether these factors are explanatory variables of academic procrastination will be investigated in this study with a model test. The results of this research will provide a significant contribution to a better understanding of academic ratiocination. 931 World Apple. Sic. J. , 32 930-938, 2014 MATERIALS AND METHODS restructuring. The Cockroach Alfa internal consistency method was used to determine the reliability of the test.

The test’s General reliability coefficient was found to be. 81. In the research, dimensions of avoidance-abstraction (emotional-operational) and avoidance-abstraction (bio-chemical), which were found to be related with academic procrastination, were used. Research Model: A relational survey method was used in this research, which explains academic procrastination encountered in academic life through coping with tress, Internet addiction and academic motivation. This method aims to determine the presence and degree Of covariance between two or more variables [3[30]/p>

Academic procrastination is examined within the context of its relationships with coping with stress, Internet addiction and academic motivation. The Internet Addiction Scale: This scale, developed by Youngish a 20-item Liker-type with grading between 1-6. The score range is between 20-180. High scores obtained from the scale indicate that Internet addiction exists ATA high level [3[34]The scale’s Turkish adaptation was prepared by Barrater in Northern Cyprus. The Cockroach Alpha internal consistency coefficient was found to be. 91 [3[35]Tarantula-Grandstanded the scale’s reliability coefficient again and it was found to be 0. 0. In this study, it was found to be. 91 . [3[36]Research Group: The research group consisted of 497 students (85 males and 322 females) from the Faculty of Education and the Faculty of Sciences and Letters at K r kale University. The grades of students in the research group vary. The model used in the research does not include grade and gender variables. However these variables are included in the discussion and recommendations. Academic Motivation Scale: This scale was developed by Bacon lain order to determine personal differences between students’ academic motivation levels. The scale consists of 20 items.

As a result of factor analyses, three factors, which explain 42% of the total variability, were obtained. Item-total correlation values were found to be between. 43 and. 60 and the internal consistency coefficient of the entire scale was found to be. 86 [3[37]Data Collection Tools: Aitkin Academic Procrastination Scale: The scale developed by Aitkin (1982) was adapted to Turkish Language by Balk s[31 J. The scale has one dimension and insists of a total of 16 items in five liker types. 293 students from different departments were assessed by the Balk scale on the validity studies of adaptation.

Each scale item was examined for its measurement of inclination towards academic procrastination and the item-total correlation was found to range between . 33 and. 73. The internal consistency coefficient of the scale is Cockroach Alpha (;) =. 89. The Pearson correlation coefficient was found to be significant at r -?. 87, p<. d01 during the analysis conducted for test-retest reliability. a factor was in order to examine structural alidity of scale and it found that has structure. variance explained by is eigenvalue this results section includes information regarding model test explains students procrastination. path find out whether direct indirect relationships are significant or not. tested coping with stress skills internet addiction academic motivation thought directly predict procrastination behavior. addition oping stressskills indirectly through>

Norman Wade

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