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Automotive Advancements in Technology – Term Paper

Automotive advancements in technology from early 1900’s to today


Automobiles are of a great essence in the world today for a variety of reasons; but chiefly because it has made transportation within different points a possibility with efficiency. Nicolas Joseph is remembered for inventing the first automobile that was powered by steam to facilitate the movement of human beings in the 1700’s. There has been improvement and developments in the automobile industry unlike at the beginning of time (Jullien and Pardi 96). The 20th century brought with it so many shifts regarding advancement in technology. 

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The gas-powered Mercedes were invented, and a key feature was the 35 horsepower output 6-litre engine with four cylinders. The other vital inventions in the century include an oil fired steam the car by Professor Joseph Bazok and a phaeton with four seats by Walter Hancock who had earlier built the London buses operating on steam. Amedee Bolee also came up with a self-propelled vehicle in the year 1901 that had a capacity of transporting a group. Nikolaus Otto created a form of automobile propelled by an internal combustion engine.

One key invention in the vehicle industry after the Mercedes is the standard drum brakes in 1902 by Louis Renault. Every other brake were only modified around the idea of Louis. The year 1908 saw the birth of General Motors which is a key contributor to the development of the automobile industry around the world. In 1911, there was the introduction of the first electric starter by Charles Kettering. The earlier periods had been characterized by engines which were started by hand cankers. The idea was criticized, as people believed it was impossible that someone comes up with a small starter that would fit in under hoods of the cars. The Ford Motor Company is attributed for starting then first movable assembly for vehicles in 1913. The production idea is that workers specialize in a specific stage of the manufacturing process and that the vehicle passes through the stages without workers having to move. In 1914, there was a generation of the first automobile body wholly made of steel as introduced by Dodge and implemented by the Budd Company.

The years 1919 and 1922 were of significance in the industry, as the first single foot pedal was used in the operation of four-wheel brakes. The propulsion structure was witnessed in the Hispano-Suiza H6B luxury car.  It is at the same time that America built the first car with hydraulic brakes for the four-wheeled Duesenberg car. The brakes replaced those that entirely relied on pressure employed by the foot of the driver. The power steering system was first produced by Francis Wright Davis in the year 1926. The structure was made effective by the integration of steering with the hydraulic brake system.

In the 1930’s, there were innovations in then automobile sector that have been of significance until today. In 1931, the Mercedes Benz Company came up with a modern front suspension structure that worked independently to make locomotion smooth and granted cars better handling. The front wheels were separated, making it impossible, to transfer road shock between them. This was followed by the mass production of cars that drove on the front wheel in 1934. The years 1935 and 1939 saw the introduction of turn signals that flashed, as well as the first car air conditioning system respectively. Jeep was designed in 1940; while in the 1950s, of significance in the industry was the development of cruise control, by a blind man (Ralph Teeter). The control system enabled drivers to hold cars at a steady speed, an initiative aimed at minimizing road accidents.

From the beginning of the year 2000, a lot has changed in the automobile industry. This includes the proliferations on wheel drives, the embrace of diesel engines to replace those that existed, and a shift in styles with which bodies are built. The drive today is a uniqueness to attract more consumers (Jullien and Pardi 96).The modern era has brought with it a wide variety of developments in the automobile industry. The first automatic stability control was offered in the American market in the year 1997 (Hegland 176). The other significant innovations that have come up in the 21st century includes the speech recognition technology by Nuance Communications. The structure is built to grant drivers a personalized assistance by listening to their command prompts and giving a visual aid on the dashboard. The person behind the wheel can know locations as well as parking lots. 

 The ‘intelligent parking system’ which was developed by the Toyota Motor Corporation, and first used in 2003. The structure incorporates a backup camera, computer processers, and some sensors to facilitate the driver in parking efforts by providing information on the space. In 2014, the Google Driverless Cars were developed is tested; and there was also the creation of Automated Manual Transmission in vehicles to make transmission in cars automatic. Pre-Collision Technology has also come up to help drivers know the space between them and the cars around them, to promote safety on roads. Smart cars and Ford Aluminium Trucks are also notable in the period. The other vital technology that has been witnessed in the century is the Transparent Bonnet by Tata’s JLR that helps Land Rover drivers get a clear view of the terrain ahead.

The future promises more revolution in the industry, and the great machines of today may be in the dumpsites of tomorrow’s technology. Humanity is anxious to adopt new cars as opposed to the already existing, and to survive, companies must invest in research and development.

Works Cited 

Hegland, David L. “The Evolution Of The Automobile”. Production Engineer 43.4 (1964): 176. Web.

Jullien, Bernard and Tommaso Pardi. “Structuring New Automotive Industries, Restructuring Old Automotive Industries And The New Geopolitics Of The Global Automotive Sector”. International Journal of Automotive Technology and Management 13.2 (2013): 96. Web.

Norman Wade

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Published by
Norman Wade
Tags: EngineeringTechnology

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