Categories: Term Paper SamplesTerm Papers on CultureUniversity of Richmond (UR)

Intercultural Intelligence – Term Paper

Intercultural Intelligence is the ability to function in a culturally diverse setting and constitute of a different dimension, which is correlated to the global environment. It is based on the belief of multiculturalism. As the world is increasingly becoming a global society, the needs of intercultural intelligence are of importance, since it reflects on different ideologies in our lives. Furthermore, it helps people understand other cultures to avoid certain misunderstandings.  Comprehending different world views also promotes the good business partnership (Thomas, 2013). The introduction of modern technology has made the world become a more connected making intercultural intelligence necessary as people travels from one country to the other for different purposes. The business sector has benefited more from this element of intercultural intelligence. People are able to learn conduct benefited from one country to the other without major difficulties compared to before. Additionally, it helps in expanding the market to other regions. Governments have also been able to work together because of intercultural intelligence. One of the factors that have been a topic of concern for several decades is terrorism. In fact, Researchers have proved that the reason as to why the rate of terrorism in increasing is due to misunderstanding of other people cultures.

Why is cultural intelligence important

Based on my experience, intercultural intelligence helps brings together people from different culture and enhance mutual understanding. For example, in the school sector, student from different cultures are able to share ideas expanding their knowledge.

  A Cultural learner is the way a group of people within a society tend to learn and pass information. It allows people to acquire certain skills that would not be possible to learn independently during their lifetime. As such, it is particularly important for humans (Livermore, 2014).

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Culture critic is a term given to the critic of a particular culture or society, usually on a radical basis. It is mostly experienced when individuals do not understand some aspects of other people’s cultures (Pai, 2013). They tend to question since they do not find them appealing.

Intercultural intelligence can help us become cultural learners in several ways. First, it helps people to learn some aspects of culture of other people in the society or the world. As such, it makes them acquire the necessary skills required to conduct business. Also, it enhances better understanding and interprets ambiguous and unfamiliar gestures.  In some cases, it can be misunderstood if the person does not understand the element of Intercultural intelligence. Lastly, it promotes good communication among people from different cultural backgrounds.  


Thomas, D. C., & Inkson, K. (2013). Cultural intelligence: People skills for global business. San Francisco, Calif: Berrett-Koehler.

Livermore, D. A. (2014). Leading with cultural intelligence: The new secret to success. New York: American Management Association.

Pai, Y., & Adler, S. A. (2013). Cultural foundations of education. Upper Saddle River, N.J: Merrill.

Norman Wade

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Norman Wade
Tags: Culture

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