With the increased rate of migration for the past one decade, refugee’s admission and resettlement have significantly changed the ethnic makeup of many developed countries. The United States is not an exception. Ways, however, need to be devised to determine the best ways to ensure cohesiveness so as to allow peace and harmony in the country in general.
Cohesiveness has been defined by social scientists as extent with which members remain united and stick together the members possess bonds that link one to one another to form the whole. That it can be developed when the members of a particular group are assured of belonging to a particular group or culture, also through interdependence and collaboration, also cohesion can be as a result of a group and interpersonal levels of attraction o people with common backgrounds or interest. The primary concern in ensuring cohesion is not focusing on the individual member but rather by an emphasis on the process for cohesion as a whole. A cohesive group has the following characteristics: members respect each other, fully committed to the decisions of the team as well as the strategies as a whole, are accountable, and finally they assume good motives, other factors include friendly environment is created, people contribute equally to decision making, and loyalty is encouraged.
It is in this regard however that I contend that mandatory individual service is not the best way of ensuring cohesions in the United States. This is because by forcing them to do their services, trust, loyalty among other aspects of cohesion will not be maintained in the group, but rather enmity may spark among them. However, better ways of ensuring cohesion may be employed as indicated below (“Building Social Cohesion in our Communities | Australian Human Rights Commission,” 2017).
Social cohesion can be achieved through social capital, social inclusion, and finally social; mobility. By social inclusion, it means that the people are allowed to a certain degree to participate equally in the economic, political and social life in the state. This also encompasses whether these people are protected in times of needs. By social inclusion, the government ought to provide new resources that should then be invested in the development of better healthcare for the sake of the people in general. These can be invested in education, social protection, healthcare as well as any other services.
Social capital, on the other hand, refers to whether there exists trust between the citizens and the institutions as well as the sense of belonging to the society. Social mobility ensures that there are equal opportunities provided for all the people equally for them to move forward. Further, mobility allows the individuals and groups of people to move downward or upward in status based on occupation, wealth, as well as education. One of the ways to ensure social mobility is through education as it allows people to move upward even to the disadvantaged groups of individuals (“The way to a cohesive society: cultural assimilation or structural inclusion?”, 2017)
Other ways of ensuring social cohesion include ensuring active collaboration and joint involvement of all the stakeholders in the society in the activities in the government such stakeholders include civil society, government, and businesses to jointly address collective action. This is a way of building a long-term partnership with these stakeholders (“Social Cohesion – Wikiprogress,” 2017.
Another way is taking place based, targeted actions; Actions need to focus on the community to ensure that the unique needs of the community in question have been met. This can be done by empowering the community to participate in implementing and planning activities, enabling young people to feel connected to the whole community as well as providing spaces for them with which they can interact, using existing programs o support bystanders to efficiently and safely respond to the issue of racism
Finally evaluating and sharing the outcomes, the government should assess their social cohesion efforts now and then so as to ensure that resources are shared efficiently and effectively
Other ways include engaging the whole society and community to understand the issues at. This is the responsibility of the local as well as the state government so that they can as well be able to comprehend if there may be any potential tension that may arise between different groups, this is ensured by making sure that all voices are heard, identifying potential or existing areas of development
In conclusion, social cohesion cannot be achieved through force or by compelling people to do what they do not want but rather by addressing their needs and ensuring that all are equally treated in all aspects of life.
Building Social Cohesion in our Communities | Australian Human Rights Commission. (2017). Humanrights.gov.au. Retrieved 7 February 2017, from https://www.humanrights.gov.au/our-work/race-discrimination/publications/building-social-cohesion-our-communitie
Social Cohesion – Wikiprogress. (2017). Wikiprogress. Retrieved 7 February 2017, from http://wikiprogress.org/articles/poverty-development/social-cohesion/
The way to a cohesive society: cultural assimilation or structural inclusion?. (2017). Regarding Rights. Retrieved 7 February 2017, from http://asiapacific.anu.edu.au/regarding-rights/2016/04/15/the-way-to-a-cohesive-society-cultural-assimilation-or-structural-inclusion/
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Lesson 1: Thesis Lesson 2: Introduction Lesson 3: Topic Sentences Lesson 4: Close Readings Lesson 5: Integrating Sources Lesson 6:…
Lesson 1: Thesis Lesson 2: Introduction Lesson 3: Topic Sentences Lesson 4: Close Readings Lesson 5: Integrating Sources Lesson 6:…
Lesson 1: Thesis Lesson 2: Introduction Lesson 3: Topic Sentences Lesson 4: Close Readings Lesson 5: Integrating Sources Lesson 6:…
Lesson 1: Thesis Lesson 2: Introduction Lesson 3: Topic Sentences Lesson 4: Close Readings Lesson 5: Integrating Sources Lesson 6:…
Lesson 1: Thesis Lesson 2: Introduction Lesson 3: Topic Sentences Lesson 4: Close Readings Lesson 5: Integrating Sources Lesson 6:…