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The Man Flu Samples – Term Paper

Man flu

One has to understand the meaning of the disease named Man Flu before going into further details and the possibility of its existence. This condition occurs when a many contracts a certain common kind of a flu which in effect causes him to overreact. A general assumption is that men are more vulnerable to the symptoms of an influenza, which cause them to complain and react more. A man Flue exists because studies have shown that men are more vulnerable to the flues compared to women.  

Men are more vulnerable to the flues compared to women. In a population, the numbers of men suffering from exaggerated symptoms of the flu are more than that of women. When women contract the disease, they most likely develop less severe symptoms than men. A similar flu might affect a population but the individuals that end up suffering by depicting more symptoms of the disease are always more of men than women. This leads to the formulation of the assumption that man flu exists. 

The main symptoms of associated with man flu include having more moments of severe sneezing, coughing, high temperature, souring of the throat, and the frequent feeling of headache. Many men in a population report these symptoms when affected by a flu. However, the effects on a similar disease on women in less recognized. Some people might think that saying the disease is prominent in men would be a way of sabotaging the position of the males in the society to promote gender disparity. However, the cases is different because scientific experiments in hospitals have found that indeed women are less prone to the effects on flu compared to men.

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Lastly, the inherent development of the view that man flu is present in the society is attributed to the past actions that made men to survive in caves. During such times, the men would remain lying in couch on claims that they were sick. At this time, the women were seeking food for the use in the family. Thus, they could escape from predators with ease. It then become a survival tactic for mankind because they could remain lying the in caves during the day when dangerous predators were roaming all over. Indeed, the common assumption that man flu exist is real. Many men have died from flue compared to women in the present society. Additionally, men are more likely to be infected with a flue if dust is in the air than women. This could a survival tactic for women.

In summary, man flue exist based on the large number of devasted patients suffering from it in hospitals. It affects men more compared to women. Historical evidence has proved that men could suffer from flue related diseases in the old days than women. Currently hospital record large number of patiens suffering from the flue than men. Indeed, the common assumption that man flu exist is real. Many men have died from flue compared to women in the present society. Additionally, men are more likely to be infected with a flue if dust is in the air than women. This could a survival tactic for individuals in the society.

Norman Wade

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Norman Wade
Tags: CultureMedicineMiddlebury CollegeSociety

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