Are you a good student? Are you the ideal role model? Are you using your time wisely? Let`s find out as you read along.
To start with I`m going to give you a few tips on achieving the goals that seem impossible. They are:
You`ll come to see that organisation is a major element for success. So what you need to do is basically pull yourself together from the beginning of the academic year. Plan a schedule (estimate time for each task). Use your time effectively and actually do the things you`d planned to do. It saves you a lot of tension and last minute chaos. Try to balance your activities, don`t spend hours watching TV and a few minutes studying. Put breaks in between your study sessions. Prioritise your material. Divide it into three sectors primary, secondary and tertiary. Where you concentrate on the most significant. Keep your notes up to date and don`t forget to attend lessons with a pen! So stay organised.
2.Dedication and Discipline
A dedicated student is one that is constantly and fighting and putting in their maximum effort and striving for their very best. For that you need to prioritise your time, work hard and practice.
Here are a few things you should keep an eye on:
Set goals, focus and concentrate on yourself.
Motivation is the fuel of any great mans achievement. One thing you need to understand is your behavior reflects the behaviour of the people around you. To motivate yourself you need to find THE RIGHT GROUP of people. Choose a responsible group, have group discussions where you will be inspired to do more. Always ask for help it`s not a sign of weakness. Do what you got to do because this is really all about you. Your grades, your reputation and your life.
School hacks (tricks):
It`s hard to get what you want but try to make a difference. Your hard work today is your success tomorrow. And never let anybody tell you you can`t because you sure can. And remember this phase will pass, make the most of it.
Lesson 1: Thesis Lesson 2: Introduction Lesson 3: Topic Sentences Lesson 4: Close Readings Lesson 5: Integrating Sources Lesson 6:…
Lesson 1: Thesis Lesson 2: Introduction Lesson 3: Topic Sentences Lesson 4: Close Readings Lesson 5: Integrating Sources Lesson 6:…
Lesson 1: Thesis Lesson 2: Introduction Lesson 3: Topic Sentences Lesson 4: Close Readings Lesson 5: Integrating Sources Lesson 6:…
Lesson 1: Thesis Lesson 2: Introduction Lesson 3: Topic Sentences Lesson 4: Close Readings Lesson 5: Integrating Sources Lesson 6:…
Lesson 1: Thesis Lesson 2: Introduction Lesson 3: Topic Sentences Lesson 4: Close Readings Lesson 5: Integrating Sources Lesson 6:…
Lesson 1: Thesis Lesson 2: Introduction Lesson 3: Topic Sentences Lesson 4: Close Readings Lesson 5: Integrating Sources Lesson 6:…