What is a term paper thesis?
The theses of the term paper are its main provisions, briefly formulated with the purpose of laconically (1-2 pages) to convey the content of the text, to talk about goals, objectives, methods, the results of the described study and the conclusions drawn by the author. After acquaintance with the theses to the term paper, the reader should understand the essence of the presented work, its novelty and relevance.
More about what is a term paper thesis. The thesis is a short text, written necessarily in a scientific style, the purpose of which is to present the main (the most important, essential, important, and reliable) result of the research and the methodology for obtaining it.
These must be distinguished from defensive speech, which seems to also summarize the essence of the thesis in a concise form. What is a term paper thesis difference? The main difference is that the performance is oriented towards public oral perception (where facial expressions, voice, etc. are additional means of communication), and the thesis is written taking into account the rules of written speech. A thesis is, in a way, the skeleton of your term paper speech.
Does a term paper have thesis?
In some cases, the supervisor or reviewer may require the student to draw up thesis for the completed term paper. As a rule, such requirements are put forward to the completed term paper of a research character. Some departments introduce the section “Thesis” as a mandatory supplement to the completed term paper.
Why does a term paper have thesis? The purpose of collecting such information is to compile a catalog of students’ work. As a rule, it is not all students who offer theses to the term paper. With this proposal, only the authors of the most successful (in the opinion of reviewers) this scientific work are addressed, who touched upon a topic that is topical from the scientific point of view. However, the teacher can demand the theses of your term paper and for an accelerated acquaintance with its contents. In this case, the quality of your abstract will depend on the evaluation of your coursework.
Does a term paper have thesis and what is the volume of it? The volume of thesis in most cases, do not exceed 2-3 pages. How to write a term paper thesis? The structure of abstracts contains the following mandatory items and sections:
- Introduction. This paragraph contains the most concise description of a similar section of the term paper. From the corresponding section of your written work, only the part that is responsible for goals and tasks is used. The historical digression can be left “behind the brackets,” and the process of selecting the options for solving the problem, rendered in the title of the coursework, is reduced to a minimum.
- Theoretical part. This section should contain the necessary minimum information, without which it is impossible to understand the ongoing research.
- Description of the experiment or research process. This part displays a certain sequence of your actions, which led to the desired results. You describe the “technology” of performing your work. The same section includes the description of the measurement procedure and the scheme of the experimental devices.
- Results. This part of the theses is filled in on the basis of the data obtained during the term paper. In addition, the section “Results” includes a description of the conditions for obtaining the required data. Most often this section is formed in the form of tables, diagrams, and graphs.
- Analysis of results taking into account measurement errors. In this part, the results are compared with those values that are known from the reference literature. The estimation takes into account the probability of occurrence of errors and describes their source.
- Conclusions. This part of the theses contains concrete information on the results achieved, and in three or four sentences answers the question posed in the title of the term paper.
How to write a term paper thesis?
Everyone who wants to write a good thesis for the thesis, we offer a kind of a reminder.
I. We prepare the ground for qualitative theses!
Write an excellent thesis for negligently conducted research is likely not to work. But the reverse is possible: a well-written diploma, executed according to all the requirements, is the basis of good theses, but only the basics, you still have to try.
Thoroughly think out the methodology of research, do not regret it for a while. If in the term paper the methods, ways, and methods of obtaining the results are spelled out, as they say, from “A” to “I,” then when composing theses this aspect will not become a weak point, as it happens very often.
II. Ask ourselves three questions: what? How? What kind?
Theses for your thesis (research) work should reflect three aspects:
- What we investigated in work (namely: the central research problem, its relevance, novelty, theoretical and practical significance),
- HOW we investigated this (namely: the description of methods and techniques for organizing research, conducting experiments, collecting and processing data, etc.),
- WHAT we got the results (namely: the main conclusions of the work done).
If it is impossible to formulate the problem solved in your work without using any specific and complex terms or concepts, then their explanation is necessary for the content of the theses.
Now you know how to write a term paper thesis, use these tips and write an excellent work!