Uses of Internet

The internet creates a platform for students to engage in several different learning processes. For instance, by using the internet a student can communicate with international students, take part in chart room discussion, share solutions and ideas, gain experience and…

Talent development

Childhood education and poverty reduction. 9. Leadership and motivation. 10. Globalization and cross-cultural issues such as sexuality and health education, ender issues, inclusive education and other relevant/current issues in education. Teaching Methodology The course is conducted through lectures, seminars, PL/case…

Motivation in Elt

MOTIVATION IN LEARNING A FOREIGN LANGUAGE BY 1st LT ERDINC KURU AIR FORCE LANGUAGE SCHOOL 2010 Table of Contents page What is Motivation? ……………………………………………. 3 Motivation Factors in Language Learning……………………….. 3 General Strategies of Motivating Students……………………… 4 Incorporating Instructional Behaviors…

Guidance Services

CHAPTER I BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY Introduction Historically, the term guidance has been used in the field of education to designate the assistance given to students in the solution of problems that lay outside the area of classroom teaching situations.…

Hidden Voices of Adult Learners in Open and Distance Learning Program: Problems and Strategies to Overcome the Problems

Abstract Most recent studies on adult learners in open and distance learning (ODL) programs in Malaysia have been focusing on students’ ICT skills, learning strategies, and interconnectivity but studies on problems encountered by adult learners while studying as fulltime or…