The National Incident Management System – Term Paper

National security is a fundamental priority for virtually every state due to its influence on socio-economic and political development. The United States of America highly concentrates on ensuring that it’s political, economic, and social spaces are free from different forms of security risks. Concerns over safety issues in the US have been aggravated by the longstanding terrorist attacks and natural calamities such as hurricanes that often result in mass deaths and devastations of communities. As a means of fostering adequate coordination and response to significant threats facing the country including violent attacks, effects of climate change and global warming and other forms of natural phenomena, the department of homeland security developed the National Incident Management System. 

The NIMS ensures concerted multiagency intelligence sharing and response to all the hazards that potentially affects the US. The security system facilitates the identification and integration of primary elements and best practices for all entities and agencies that respond to disaster situations (US Department of Homeland Security, 2004). During criminal attacks such as terrorism, illegal shootings, and homicides, the system establishes some of the critical response mechanisms through fostering flexibility and standards (US Department of Homeland Security, 2004). Through these standards, dealing with various threats to US homeland security is made to be consistent and seamless. With an adequate system of response set in advance, the attention of responders to emergency situations shifted from the need to organize a response to responding to it. 

Some of the security enhancement activities that the National Incident Management System do include mapping of disaster-prone areas maintaining the records of criminals, liaising with state and federal agencies for intelligence, setting up of early warning systems and maintaining adequate systems for multiagency response to emergencies (US Department of Homeland Security, 2004). In essence, the incident NIMS enhances the indicators efficient disaster response including the level of coordination and the losses prevented. 

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US Department Of Homeland Security (June 2, 2004). Department Of Homeland Security Establishes National Incident Management System Integration Centre. Accessed From Https://Www.Fema.Gov/News-Release/2004/06/02/Department-Homeland- Security-Establishes-National-Incident-Management-System